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About Renegade

Renegade is a Bulletin Board System (BBS). Originally conceived and developed by Cott Lang, it was one of the best and most powerful BBS systems that existed in the heyday of dialup BBSes. Flexible, fast, and portable, it could work on various systems, including most versions of DOS, some versions of Windows and even OS/2, which some feel was its best operating environment. But no need to start a ten-year-old debate up again :)

Although Renegade was based on an earlier system called Telegard, which was in turn  based on a package called WWIV, it has always been a unique piece of software. The features it supported and the flexibility it offered were what attracted most of the sysops who ran it. That, and the fact that it was free, and fun to operate.


Renegade supports a number of features:

When BBSes became less popular as the Internet became more popular, Renegade was used less and less (as is the case with most BBS packages). Cott Lang turned over development to other developers, who have made some releases and bug fixes. However, the code has overall remained relatively stable in recent years.

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